Know When To Make A Pressure Sores Claim

Bedsores — also known as pressure sores, pressure ulcers, and decubitus ulcers — are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. They most often develop on part of skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, hips, ankles, and tailbone.

There is no fixed duration for the cause of Bedsores. They can develop over hours or days. Even most sores heal naturally, some with treatment, but some never heal completely. Let’s learn about its symptoms, stages, and lets’ learn When To Make A Pressure Sores Claim.


Some warning signs of bedsores or pressure ulcers are:

Unusual changes in skin texture or color
Pus-like draining
Part of skin that feels warmer or cooler to the touch than other parts
Tender areas

Some Stages of Pressure Sores

Based on their depth, severity, and characteristics, Bedsores are categorized into 4 stages.

Grade 1 — In this stage, the affected area appears red/pink, and a person might suffer from itching and pain. At such stage, you are entitled to claim Grade 1 Pressure Sores Compensation.

Grade 2 — Pressure sores are developing into an open wound and damage the outer surface of the skin. It presents as a blister or as an abrasion. You can find Pressure Sore Negligence Solicitors for Grade2 Pressure Sores Compensation.

Grade 3 — In stage 3, a full-thickness skin loss occurs and damages subcutaneous tissue, but not bone or muscle.

Grade 4 — It is one most serious stage where sores are big and deep and might affect your muscles and ligaments.

Finding Pressure Sore Negligence for claiming pressure sores compensation? Contact Solicitors at Curtis Legal Ltd Company. Being experts in pressure sores compensation claims, they and offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation. They are known for their unbeatable services and always act in your best interest to ensure you receive the amount as soon as possible. Due to their years of experience, solicitors at Curtis Legal help many people to get the compensation they deserve.

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